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10 Top Tips For Your WHOLE30!

STOP PRESS- A new round of WHOLE30 is starting on September 14th - Find out more here

If you are stuck in an exhausting cycle of yo-yo dieting, stressed, struggling with weight gain, uncontrollable cravings and health complaints, a round of WHOLE30 might be just the ticket to help you find food freedom. Developed by Melissa Urban in America, WHOLE 30 offers real food solutions to help you gain back control of your food and break free from food issues forever.

And at only 30 days long, what have you got to lose?!

So you've read the book, checked out the WHOLE30 forum and joined the WHOLE30 Facebook page (and the WHOLE30 Recipes Group too)! What's next? Here are ten top tips to help you bite the bullet and make sure you are in the best shape to start your WHOLE30 with the rest of the gang on September 14th

Read the Book

No seriously, read the book! From September 14th the next 30 days are going to be very different and to complete the round of WHOLE30 it helps to know why you are doing this and how it is going to help you and your relationship with food. If you figure out your why, this will help keep you on track and keep motivation high when you wobble - and you will!

Clear the house of temptation

Not that kind of temptation! Food - you know the hidden things in the freezer, the fridge and the pantry cupboard that might pull you off track. Don't keep it in - because it will! Think Renton in Trainspotting - keep it tight and don't hide food! If it is not there calling your name it is easier to break the crave cycle and because it is not within arms reach, its easier to ignore. How you do this is up to you, give to friends and family, give to food banks, run down your supplies before September 14th and don't re-stock. However you choose simply ensure that when the day comes round, its gone!

Plan and prepare

When I was a boss I always told folks to remember the 5Ps: perfect preparation prevents poor performance. And yes - they thought that about me too! But the thing is, it works. Prepare a menu each week so you have an idea of your meals. And shop regularly to keep it fresh. There are some fantastic recipes on the WHOLE30 sites and in the recipe books which make it a whole lot easier to plan and keep on track - and remember its only 30 days!! At the very least after 30 days, you will have a fab new library of healthy, naturally tasty food to cook and impress your friends and family!

Keep it simple

So we have the new recipes and a fistful of great intentions. But, lets face it, getting creative in the kitchen can be a ball-ache particularly after a long day a work. The good news is that we went shopping earlier and we have the food in to prep the meal - so that is job done. The second bit of good news is that there are many many 3, 4 and 5 ingredient recipes to be found on the FB page and in the WHOLE30 books which keep the food prep to a minimum and keep it simple. On the day when you don't feel like cooking but want to eat WHOLE30, opt for one of these: and remember, good grief, its only 30 days!!

Get creative!

Add lots of herbs and spices to your food for full effect. You will find that as you stop eating sugar in particular, your taste buds will go into overdrive and everything you cook will taste really very special. Sugar has the power and capacity to dull your taste buds over time. Its like going to a rock concert and standing right in front of the speakers. When you go outside again, you can't hear anything and the world becomes very fuzzy! Your taste buds have that same experience when we eat over processed food and food with a high sugar content. They become numb to new taste sensations. To help you transition back to all natural, cook meals and new recipes with lots of different tastes and fragrances. It will make all the difference to your meals, stimulate your taste buds and after a time, you will no longer miss the sugar. Believe me - it will happen, we've done it and we know!

Ahhh Leftovers!

We never had leftovers in my house when the kids were little! Its different now and with less people in the house, I can say that leftovers are a truly magical thing! Bake more when you are cooking, box it up and either freeze it or eat it for lunch or supper the next day. Take it from me, nothing really beats the feeling of knowing that your food prep is done and that lunch is back on the menu for no additional effort. Howzat! Enjoy!

Do it with a Friend!

It does work and it does help to keep you on track. Here's a great example, I agreed to run a couch to 5K with my youngest son. He can't find work, is COVID fed up and pondering his future. He loves running but his motivation dropped off the cliff when lockdown showed up and we needed to move fast when it hit. So we kept each other accountable. It is as simple as that. I knew he needed to run and I made sure that we ran - on the days when my 55 year old body said no, he showed up and said YES and we ran - sometimes with Michael Jordan - and sometimes with Sarah Millican - depending who was taking the lead! Help each other to keep on track, keep it friendly, keep it fun - and yes, its only for 30 days!

Check in with a WHOLE30 coach

There are many many WHOLE30 coaches available to support you on your journey and it might be just the ticket to keep your motivation high and on track if money is no object! Follow this link to find a WHOLE30 Coach

Jump on the next round of WHOLE30 and join the Facebook Group

A great band of cheerleaders and supporters who are walking along beside you on your 30 day journey. Where better to share stories and find support as you find your feet and reset your relationship with food. You are not on your own, we are in this together you should know that you are not the first and will not be the last to find challenges around food, weight loss and weight gain. As with any group, the more you share and take part in the group, the more you will get back - go on, give it a try - here is the link to Facebook

Check the list of WHOLE30 approved suppliers and stock up!

Here's the link to the WHOLE30 list of approved suppliers and yes, Primal Cut is on it here. ! Woo Hoo! We like to think of our sausages as comfort food and the best type of convenience food to help keep you on track during your WHOLE30. Think eggs, sausage and bacon, sausage traybakes, chicken sausage breakfast hash, chicken sausage casserole - yay easy, nourishing nutrient dense food - you're welcome!

Good Luck and Enjoy - who knows, in four weeks time you may very well thank yourself for taking this first step!

Here to Help!

Primal Cut is the UK's only WHOLE30 approved supplier of sausage, bacon and charcuterie. Sausages make great comfort foods in the midst of a reset and a supply of Primal Cut sausages in the fridge or freezer means you will never be without an easy meal which can be a Godsend when you are momentarily stuck for ideas and faced with that age old question: what's for tea mum? Sausage and cauliflower mash with WHOLE30 gravy - easy - you got this, see? It doesn't have to be hard!

This is Part 2 of a 2 part series, find Part One "What is the WHOLE30" here



kate oliver - Primal Cut co-founder

Hi! I'm Kate, Co-Founder of Primal Cut, mum, wife & Primal Baker! I live with my husband and partner Michael. Ideally located in the spa town of Ilkley, on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales its where we handcraft our range of healthy, nutrient dense, free from food.

From delicious Primal Alternative keto granolas to gluten free low carb bread, from vegan wraps to healthy sausages, nitrate-free bacon & charcuterie - it's all here. The fact that gluten-free is better for all, including keto and low carb means our food offers convenient, time-saving grain free alternatives that will help keep you on track during your journey back to health!

For the full range of healthy convenience foods check out our shop

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