We both woke early as there was much to do before 2 pm which is the official cut off for shipping all our paleo friendly sausages, nitrite free bacon and paleo goodies! The good news is that my ankle was so MUCH better! Not pain free but not the hobbling, crippling pain I have been used to waking up with after bake days. WOO HOO. This is a massive plus. Oh yes!
All in all, I feel so much stronger in myself: emotionally, mentally as well as physically. Still tired but that was probably because we watched back to back episodes of "Narcos" in bed till we fell asleep! In fact, we have watched so many episodes of this show now , we are becoming fluent in Spanish, Muy Bien! Have you seen it?
Seriously though, I want you to know that I feel different to when I started this project and set myself the target of 30 days grain, gluten and sugar free. We are not eating complicated food but we are managing to avoid grains, refined sugar and gluten. I have also cut back on dairy. This experiment on myself is not about weight loss (yet) but more about overcoming joint pain without medication and without throwing the towel in and feeling that there is nothing that can be done without pills. It starts with food and here's where anyone can make a difference and take the power back. This toxic weight loss culture in which we live is so unhelpful when we know that changing your diet, sleeping well and moving your body can improve your health, drastically - any weight loss is a by product of changing these behaviours.
So come on! What's stopping you??
Here's a quick breakdown of the meals we ate today. We took TED for a super long walk too when we had finished work at 2.30pm this afternoon. The sunset was glorious, pink and orange, a true shepherd's delight!
Paleo Reset Day 11
Breakfast: Protein Shake (convenient when busy)
Lunch: 2 poached eggs on our keto-friendly Fat and Seedy Bread
Snack: Fruit Mince Pie (paleo-friendly)
Supper: Sweet Potato Chips, Fresh microgreens and 2 lamb burgers, Hunter and Gather BBQ sauce, an orange and a small handful of macadamia nuts.