Day 9 and the challenge (to strip out sugar from my diet for 30 days) feels already a little easier. My appetite seems less too which is a blessing! Busy work day too. Legs and feet a little sore after dance class yesterday BUT nowhere near as bad as they have been. Watch this space! Took Ted for a lovely walk by myself this morning. He ran and ran up and down the fields behind our house with a new friend, Chester and then spent the rest of the afternoon asleep! Definitely a dogs life.
Body wise I noticed a bit of a craving for more fat today - so have added butter to my steamed veggies and avocado too. As part of this reset I am trying to reduce any dairy products so this seemed a great compromise. Have you had any cravings today?

Thought the above was a useful sheet to share for anyone interested in "How to Hack Happiness Chemicals" naturally although I am uncertain of the source - the info is a great natural boost and please note, electronics are not on the list!
Paleo Meals today:
Breakfast: Protein Shake with Fresh Microgreens Added
Lunch: Chicken Stir Fry with half an avocado
Supper: Steak and steamed veggies with butter, orange, plums and walnuts
Heading out to night school tonight and am very happy with all the food prep we have completed today in readiness for our baking days to follow. Enjoy your evening!